Monday, March 17, 2008

Beautiful Feet

Yesterday as we were eating breakfast at BBD, for some reason, we were talking about the ugly feet contest that we had at the RunnersWorld booth at the Tulsa Run Expo. Turns out Kathy F. and Michelle had the ugliest feet. I mentioned that Kathy H.'s feet were beautiful - good arches, no blisters, no missing or discolored nails despite all the marathons and ultras she has done. Enough to make one jealous.

As I'm writing this, though, my wife, Marilyn, is in Kansas City with her mother. They are going to a funeral tomorrow for Maxine Gordon, who truly had beautiful feet. Maxine is a retired missionary in her 90's. She spent decades in the Congo spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. She never really wanted to leave the Congo, but the mission board made her return to the states when she was in her 80's during a time when rebel forces were threatening the mission compound. She is a great example of someone who tirelessly served her Lord, trying to bring good news to a spiritually needy people.
How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation...
(Isa 52:7)
May we all seek to have beautiful feet, like Maxine.

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